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  Privacy Policy


Legal warning

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the data we collect when you use our services, the reasons why we collect it, and what we do with it. Therefore, we recommend that before using our site you carefully read our privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy describes how Copami carries out the processing of data when users use our services, including the data that the user provides when using our site.

This privacy policy applies to the website onwards; Copami, the “Website” or the “App”.

By providing us with your data, you give your consent for us to process your personal data in accordance with the conditions described in this Policy.

All the information you provide must be truthful, therefore you guarantee the authenticity of all the data that you communicate as a result of the registration of the forms necessary for the subscription of services, access to content or restricted areas of the site.

You alone are solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements that you make and for the damages caused to this site or to third parties by the information you provide, therefore you agree to act responsibly on this site.

Copami reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time and without prior notice, so we recommend that you read this Policy periodically to understand the use that Copami makes of your personal data.

This privacy policy and any dispute or claim arising from them or in relation to them (including litigation or non-contractual claims) will be interpreted and regulated under the Law of Spain. In case of conflict between this version of the privacy policies with any other, the originals in Spanish will prevail.

In some countries, the courts will not apply the laws of Spain to resolve some types of disputes. If you reside in one of those countries, as the laws of Spain do not govern, the law of your country will be applied in conflicts related to these policies. Otherwise, you accept that the laws of Spain, excluding the provisions on conflict of laws, apply to any conflict arising from these policies or the Services or related to them. Similarly, if the laws of your country do not allow you to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Spain, the disputes related to these policies will be submitted to the jurisdiction and local powers. Otherwise, both Copami and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Spain to resolve claims arising from these policies or the Services or related to them.

By using this site, you show your agreement and accept the present privacy policies described here, therefore if you do not accept them or you do not agree with our privacy policy, do not access or use the page.

Website data and website owner.

We inform you that the person responsible for the file corresponds to:

- Copami

- C/ Del Fresno Nº 2 - 3ºA - C.P: 06480 - Montijo - Badajoz - España

Tel .: 652144981

- Our email address is:


At COPAMI we adopt the appropriate security and confidentiality measures to protect the data you provide us in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD.

The data you provide us will be located on the servers of 1 and 1, subscribed to the Privacy Shield agreement and owner of 1 and 1 Life Services LLC, and you can see its privacy policy here

The confidentiality of your password, as well as the use that you make of said password is your responsibility, therefore if you want to keep your account and your information protected, do not share your password with anyone.

If you access your account from a shared computer, always remember not to save your passwords on that computer and to log out before leaving the web to prevent other users from gaining access to your information.

This site may provide links to sites or applications of other companies over which we have no control, so you must bear in mind that if you register through other web pages, or use their applications, you will also be yielding to them. your information, therefore we recommend that you review the security policies of these sites at all times.



The personal data provided by the user is low level data according to the ranges established in the General Data Protection Regulation.

And they will be treated for the following purposes; to provide, improve and develop our services, to facilitate the user experience, to facilitate communication between users, to create profiles, to communicate with you, to display and measure advertisements and services, to protect current contracts, to protect rights image or copyright and to promote safety and security.

Copami may collect information about the user's interaction with our site and services that it uses through website analysis tools to obtain customer information: browser used, the site from which it was accessed, search engines you used to access # FIELD2 #, the search keywords you used to find our site, the pages you visited on our site, or the dimensions of your browser window. We may also collect certain standard information that your browser sends to the websites you visit, such as: your IP address, browser version and language, access times, and referring website addresses. This information is used for research and analysis aimed at improving our products, technologies and user services, to improve our advertising and measurement systems in order to show you relevant advertisements, and to measure the effectiveness and reach of advertisements and services.

We also use this information to communicate with you and send you marketing messages and information about technical service matters and security announcements, periodic notifications for members, considered part of the service, as well as promotional emails to inform you about other products or services available at Copami or its affiliates and partners.

In order to improve your user experience and to be able to offer you products and services in accordance with your interests, we will prepare a "commercial profile", based on the information provided. No automated decisions will be made based on said profile.


The personal data collected will be kept as long as the subscription contract is in force.

Once your account is canceled, we will block your data and it will be kept only at the disposal of public administrations, Judges and Courts, for the attention of possible responsibilities arising from the treatment, during the prescription period of these. Once the aforementioned period has elapsed, your data will be permanently deleted.

We may also retain information about the accounts that we have deactivated for breaching our conditions and save your data to prevent repeated abusive behavior or violations of our conditions.

Notice: Once your account has been deleted and your data blocked, it is possible that some copy of that information is visible and accessible on the internet. This may occur because you have previously shared it with other people and it has been copied or stored by other users, because it has been shared through search engines, or because you have allowed other web pages or third-party applications access to your data and it may be that they maintain that type of information following their terms of use and their privacy policies. We cannot control or be responsible for it if this happens.



The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of the subscription contract to Copami according to the terms and conditions that appear on our website

We also process your information to achieve and protect our legitimate interests and those of third parties, as well as respond to legal claims, including the investigation of possible violations of the applicable conditions of service, or to comply with the legal obligations that require it.

We also request your authorization or consent to process your information for specific purposes and to be able to offer you personalized services according to your interests and preferences.

The prospective offer of products and services is based on the consent that is requested, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

In order to fulfill the established purposes, the data requested by Copami are generally mandatory data (unless otherwise specified).

The communication of the requested data is a necessary requirement to subscribe to Copami and to be able to use our services and so that we can meet your demands. Therefore, if the requested data is not provided or is not provided correctly, you will not be able to use our services, nor will we be able to meet your demands.


As a general principle, this site will not provide any personal information to other companies or individuals without the prior written consent of the user. Except in the following legal exceptions: in response to the requirement of a competent authority and prior compliance with the corresponding legal procedure; and when this site requires the necessary actions to be taken to enforce the conditions of use and other terms of this page, or to safeguard the integrity of other users or the site.

In no case will this personal data be transferred / sold to third parties.

In the event that we transfer our business to another organization or merge it with other businesses, the buyer may only use your data in accordance with the provisions of this personal data protection policy.

It is the full responsibility of the user herself and she must be aware that if she voluntarily or involuntarily reveals any type of information online in a public area, that information may be collected and used by other users.



The privacy policy of Copami assures you in any case and in accordance with the RGPD, the exercise of the following rights; The right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party, the right to request its rectification or deletion, the right to request the limitation of its treatment, the right to oppose the treatment, and the right to data portability.

To exercise your rights, you must contact us in Castilian (Spanish language), by writing to Copami, C/ Del Fresno Nº 2 - 3ºA, C.P. 06480, Montijo - Badajoz - España or by sending an email to indicating as reference "Personal Data" followed by the right you wish to exercise. In this letter, you must attach a photocopy of your identity document and provide us with your registration and contact information in order to be able to respond to your request.

Ultimately this means that;

The consent granted by the user may be revoked at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether Copami is treating personal data that concerns them, or not.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, when any of the conditions provided for in the data protection regulations are met, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data, Copami will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Interested persons can request the portability of their data and obtain a copy of the personal data provided to Copami. The portability of the data does not entail the erasure of the data from our systems, nor does it affect the retention or conservation period applicable to the data that the interested party has provided us.

When the interested party considers that Copami has violated the rights that are recognized by the applicable regulations on data protection, they can contact Copami following the indications mentioned above and stating which rights have been violated. In Copami we will try to solve the problem and we will put the necessary means so that it does not happen again, but if in the exercise of your rights you have not obtained satisfaction, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, to which you can Access by clicking on this link:

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user confirms that they are specifically and unequivocally informed and freely give their consent for the personal data that they provide us with through our websites, by email or ordinary or in person. , are treated in order to fulfill the purposes indicated in these policies and to be able to provide the requested service.

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